Monday, May 23, 2011

Meet and greet at Geezer's in Santa Fe Springs on June 02, about 6:30pm

Join us for a meet and greet at Geezer's in Santa Fe Springs on June 02, about 6:30pm.

This would be great time to discuss upcoming plans to go to the SLA Annual Conference
in Philadelphia, June 12-15

Geezer's is located at 12120 Telegraph Rd. in Santa Fe Springs 90670-3723.

Their phone is 562 946 3605

Their website is

Here's a map to Geezer's.....,Santa+Fe+Springs,+CA&cid=0,0,13591709109994828604&ei=l8HZTffkPIKosQOVn8yFDA&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CB4QnwIwAQ

RSVP to so we can have an idea of how many people to expect.

See you there!!

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